Meet Me

Well hey there!

I’m glad you stopped by this little space to learn more about how the Lord is working in my life and the lives of those around me. Here is a little about my story, my heart and the vision for this ministry.

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My Call to Missions

I am an ordinary 23-year-old girl who grew up in a small town in Maine who has an extraordinary passion to experience the fullness of God in this rich, abundant life and to be even a small part of expanding His kingdom. I first experienced the DR during a short-term missions trip in the spring of 2022 where the culture, the people and the needs captured my attention, and the Lord exposed my need for Him and the desires and passions He has given me for very specific reasons.

After much prayer, working through many fears and doubts and having many conversations, I made the commitment to return as full-time staff working as a site leader for Women’s Social Work. As I am currently back in Maine during this time of support raising and preparation, I desire to prepare my heart and mind the best way possible to be able to return and be most effective to love on these women and to share the hope and truths of the gospel with them.

The Vision

My vision for the future of the Women’s Social Work Site is multi-faceted:

  1. That every woman I encounter would feel heard, seen and loved, offered hope and given opportunity to know Jesus personally 
  2. That they would be given opportunity and skillsets to work outside of the home and for single moms to be able to provide for their families
  3. That they would be given the encouragement and empowerment they need to be successful in their marriages and throughout motherhood 
  4. That teenage expectant moms would be given the support and education they need 
  5. That they would be given the WORD OF GOD through bible studies and classes 

God’s Work in Me

My heart has always been geared towards discipleship, personal and spiritual development, restoration and relationship. While we are still uncertain as to the specific details of what social work will look, I am fully expectant and trusting that He will work out the details of my job in ministry as I continue to pursue Him. The Lord has given me huge vision and passion for these women of Santiago and how He may use me as an instrument for them to encounter His love.

While I frequently have moments of doubting whether I’m truly equipped for this kind of work, the Lord continues to assure me that He has spent so many years preparing me through different seasons and trials that He has used to prepare and equip me. I have spent so many years wrestling with why He gave me certain passions and desires, but I can now see with crystal clear vision how He has spent so many years graciously molding me, shaping me and revealing more of Himself to me through those seasons of uncertainty and it’s just so incredible to see the things of God come back around full circle!

Have a question regarding my work? Or regarding missions in general?
Or do you have a prayer request you’d like to share with me?
Please reach out! I’d love to hear from you.

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